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Blog: I, me and mine

I, me and mine

I, me and mine

Let’s overcome Obsession with Self

” I, me, and mine” these 3 words have taken the center stage in our life.

We can’t see anybody else.

In the last 50 years the use of words like kindness, helpfulness gratitude and modesty declined by over 70% according to Google.

It amazes me. Take an example

“Imagine if your brain suggested that it is most important organ in the body and your stomach fought for its honour. Who will win?? Obviously, brain cannot function without the nutrients supplied by the digestive system and the stomach is dysfunctional without a healthy nervous system.

Everything is interdependent. Our elders say “You can’t do meditation, if your I, me & mine is most important to you”.

Let’s work on self…

Let’s bring back the vocabulary & attitude of kindness, Helpfulness, Gratitude & Modesty that we have been loosing in last 50 years.

Dr. Sharda Jain
Dr. Sharda Jain

For this we have to work hard.

At Home, workplace, & Organisation level where we get unconditional support.

Dr. Sharda Jain